Saturday, April 9, 2011

IFJM Post #4

I was out of town since monday night. This sketch is from the front yard.


Michelle Himes said...

I love the title of your journal/blog. Will be checking back to see more of your posts.

Joyfulploys said...

Hi Denise...thanks for visiting my blog. I haven't worked on my quilt lately. If you want to see a beautiful quilt made from old pillowcaes, go to Pam Garrison's website(check out Aug. of last year). A link to her site is on my blog list. I love your header quote at the top. I am retired myself and enjoy doing my art, embroidery and reading...every now and then, go out and take a walk :)

Patricia Jane said...

Hi Denise! Congratulations on the Strathmore button!! Now when I want to add another button for something I'll be asking YOU!! :>)) I like your journal pages very much, have to investigate today to see why it's called a fake journal 'cause it looks like a real one to me! Nice sketching! I took the online Joggles sketching class last fall / also this spring and really enjoyed it. Vowed to keep up with it, and ... Maybe a fake journal is what I should be doing. Enjoy the day!
And BTW, I was intrigued that you live in California. I spent my 9 years growing up in San Jose. Went back a few years ago to see the neighborhood and my schools, etc. Had changed so much!